Kamis, 30 Juni 2011

importance of health

Hi my name is Mita. I lived in Samarang but now I live in Tarogong because I was school in Tarogong.  Mother and my father was a teacher. I was very happy stayed with them. Now lett me tell you about my story when I was sick.
Three days ago, my condition is fine. On Monday night I was working on a task. Tasks that I do have finish but I corrected again if there is wrong because the task of writing this one should not have any posts wrong. I've finished working on it, Suddenly my head was hurt maybe I’m tired. The next day, the headache that I experienced increased pain so I did not get in on the lesson and go straight to bed because I became not hold the pain. I was sad because no one noticed me. I want to go home, but at times it rained and no one in the house. So I'm still in the dorms. However, today I was healthy again and can move  as usual. Horree.

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